Laughing Wellness
P.L.A.Y. ™ Your Way Every Day
Laughing Wellness: P.L.A.Y. ™ Your Way Every Day Promote, Longevity, Accountable, Young~Heartedness.
Be Willing To Be Well W/Laughter!….Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha Heheheeee…
‘Laughing Wellness’ is the birth baby of Laughter Yoga.
In Laughter Yoga we laugh as an exercise, but real laughter quickly develops. It’s a new exercise system sweeping the world. The term “Laughter Yoga” in English and other translations is the trademark of Dr. Madan Kataria and Laughter Yoga International.
Developed in India with only 5 people in 1995, it is truly a life- changing experience. We combine laughter exercise w/yoga breathing exercises to cultivate childlike playfulness and joy. By laughing we initiate powerful positive changes in our body, mind and emotions. Which then brings more oxygen to the body & brain, making one feel more energetic and healthy. The concept is based on a scientific study that the body can not differentiate between simulated and real laughter. One gets the same physiological & psychological benefits. Safe and easy, scientifically proven.
In today’s world with the constant pressures, including work, social issues, family challenges, health issues, and more, laughter plays a crucial role in promoting mental health and accountable well being. Laughter serves as a powerful support. It reduces stress, booststhe immune system, releasing natural feel good chemicals in our bodies while we’re laughing. It improves blood circulation, enhances mood, and boosts overall vitality.
Laughter also connects people quickly and easily, promoting kindness and understanding. It’s bringing people together, creating community, uplifting spirits and well being for the betterment of us all.
The world needs more Laughter Yoga leaders, teachers and ambassadors. Again, it’s my mission to get as many people certified to help build Laughter Yoga and Laughing Wellness services, gathering Laughter Warriors and Disruptors, joining Dr. Kataria, myself and so many Laughter yogis worldwide.
The bonus is “play every day your way.”
I’ll show you how I recovered from addiction, depression, anger and perfectionism.
Your Health is Your Wealth Healthy Self = Heal Thy Self with Laughter
About the Author

Heidi B Barkwell has worked for the City for the past 33 years, where she has held various positions across different departments. Notably, she spent 15 years as a Lifeguard and swim Instructor, while successfully organizing youth programs. She still keeps her certifications in First Aid, CPR and AED up to date.
She became a therapeutic caring clown at the University of Calgary in 2006. I became a big Bee “Humble Bee” and my puppets name was “Bumble Bee”, and would sing let’s be together and be ok haha. That’s where I was introduced to Laughter Yoga. From that moment on, I knew that’s what I wanted to pay forward. Love and Laughter very good very good yay!
Heidi has often been described as upbeat, caring and passionate about sharing her infectious laughter as she lights up the room. She knows all too well about the hard knocks of life and is inspired to share how laughter help navigate and sweetened her up enough to make the life changes toward a more joyful path forward as an Inner Wellness Coach.
Laughter as an exercise is a simple yet powerful form of accountable well-being. It combines yoga-breathing, gentle stretching and laughter exercises designed to stimulate playfulness and cultivate an inner spirit of joy, creating self worth and confidence.
I’m a Certified Laughter Yoga Lead. 2008
Cerified Laughter Yoga Teacher. 2013
Advanced Training by Dr. Madan Kataria 2013
Awarded Laughter Ambassador 2018
Inner Laughter Spiritual Retreat Training 2020
Laughter Yoga International World Conference 2021
Certified in Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C 2022
Laughter Yoga 2.0 2023
Laughter Adventures
2024 Canadian Laughter Conference
Heidi has been laughing for the past 16 years.
Heidi removed the “”ark”” from her last name, and created her mantra:
Heidi Bwell, be willing to be well with laughter! Heheheheeee
What’s Your Story?
P.L.A.Y. ™ Your Way Every Day
Laughter has helped me promote healthy emotional, physical, and spiritual development. I use laughter as my daily cool tool.